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News & Events

Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Associated With the Facial Shape of Children


“Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technology to find a link between alterations in the shape of children's faces and the amount of alcohol their mothers drank, both before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy.”

Read more!






In Honor of Black History Month, Article Released by the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence


In honor of Black History Month, the African American Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (AABH-CoE) released an article that identifies and analyzes the historical context, behavioral health perspectives, and societal inequities impacting African American communities in the present day.

To read the rest of the article and access additional resources, click HERE.





Pregnant People With Substance Use Disorders Need Treatment, Not Criminalization (2)


Nora D. Volkow writes, “Though it may be hard for many to fathom, even pregnant people and new parents can have active substance use disorders. They need support, not criminalization… Overdose is now a leading cause of death during or shortly after pregnancy.”

Read On!







On February 16th @ 11am -12:30 pm It Takes a Village: Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities in the Black Community


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is hosting a virtual roundtable featuring panelists with lived experience, community leaders, and non-traditional practitioners to highlight Black History Month.

 This virtual event will highlight the often untapped cultural resources and innovative programs that celebrate Black culture and history, and promote recovery and resiliency in the community.








New Book: My FASD Feelings: A Guide to Children's Experience with FASDs

This childrens book by Jennifer Robinson and Laura Bedard tells the story of Henry. 

“Henry shares his perspective growing up with FASD. Henry helps caregivers begin the conversation about FASD with their young child.

This book includes a discussion guide for parents and caregivers.”


Click HERE to order!







In honor of Black History Month, We're sharing the Black Birthing Bill of Rights


No photo description available.May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'RECOGNIZE MY HUMANITY'

While FASD is an issue across the nation, its impact is often more devastating in communities of Black, Indigenous and people of color, given historical trauma, systemic racism and the results of unaddressed health issues.

In honor of Black History Month, we're sharing the Black Birthing Bill of Rights created by The National Association to Advance Black Birth-NAABB because we want each Black birthing person to know their rights and feel confident exercising them.







Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, made possible by Grant Number B08TI087057 from the Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse from SAMSHA.


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