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News & Events

Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Alcohol Consumption in Pregnancy


“Overall, our review highlights the potential for digital interventions to prevent alcohol consumption among pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant.”
Journal of Medical Internet Research

Read abstract, here!






Information Only: The FASD Respect Act - An Update

What a journey this 117th legislative session has been.  The FASD Respect Act (HR4151/S2238) was on target to be passed as a stand-alone bill on December 22, 2022 in the Senate with language agreed upon by bi-partisan Senate HELP committee leadership and the next day in the House but was blocked at the last minute by one Senator.  To say that we are disappointed is an understatement. 
While this is an emotional blow, I can say with all sincerity, we left it all out on the field.  This bill, with your help, progressed further than any other FASD legislation has in the last 20 years.  Over 1300 advocates have had almost 500 meetings with lawmakers and their staff.  This was the largest FASD push for equity in our history as a community.

Go HERE, for more information!






Comparison of Three Systems for the Diagnosis of FASDs in a Community Sample


“These results indicate a lack of consistency in these approaches to diagnosis. Discrepancies result from differences in specifying the criteria used to define the diagnosis, including growth, physical features, neurobehavior and alcohol-use thresholds.”
- Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research

Learn more!






CDC Study: Severity of COVID-19 Hospitalization Outcomes and Patient Disposition Differ by Disability Status and Disability Type


"A recent CDC study compared measures of COVID-19 severity and discharge data among people with disabilities to outcomes among those without disabilities, including an analysis by disability type. The study found that, among people hospitalized with COVID-19, people with disabilities had more severe outcomes."

Learn more!







Promising Findings for Anti-alcohol Treatment in Pregnancy


“A study has found a medication that helps people refrain from drinking alcohol has shown no harmful effects during pregnancy in early stage trials.  The study looked at the safety of acamprosate and found the medication did not affect maternal and birth outcome.”

Learn More!






Local FASD Group "Home of Hope" Spreads Christmas Cheer


“Home of Hope focuses on those affected by FASD… Every year they set up Christmas lights as a Home of Hope tradition.  This event is two-fold: a fundraising initiative for the children and young adults with special needs and bringing the local community together, bringing some Christmas joy.”

Read On.






Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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