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News & Events

Make Sure to Pick Up the July Issue of Our State Magazine!


In the July issue of Our State Magazine, Proof Alliance NC is a featured ad! We are so excited to spread the word across the whole state about alcohol and its impacts on pregnancy.  This ad is a part of a wider prevention-based campaign by Proof Alliance NC that includes innovative messaging in fun places and alternatives to drinking alcohol, like Mocktail recipes.  We are thrilled to also include our friends at Waynesville Soda Jerks who helped us craft our featured summer Mocktail recipe!  Make sure to stop by Waynesville Soda Jerks in Western, NC to get your assortment of hand-crafted, locally-sourced sodas this summer!  They are scrumptious! 




MotherToBaby Podcast on Postpartum Depression and Anxiety


“Dr. Jessica Vernon, a New York-based OBGYN recently featured on the Today Show, shares her story of postpartum depression and anxiety (also known as perinatal mood disorders).”

To listen, click HERE!







16 Proof Alliance Certified FASD trainers in North Carolina (2)

Proof Alliance and Proof Alliance NC are excited to announce that, after two years of virtual and in person trainings and meetings, there are now 16 Proof Alliance Certified FASD trainers in North Carolina. This partnership is between The Arc of North Carolina and Proof Alliance and is a pilot for the Train the Trainer program. 

For more information on scheduling a training in North Carolina, contact Amy Hendricks at ahendricks [AT] arcnc [DOT] org.







Sharing A Child’s FASD Diagnosis with Them


 This blog article states, “How do you share difficult life changing news with a young child?  That’s a question I’ve been thinking a lot about since we received T’s FASD diagnosis in January… We’ve decided we will share his diagnosis this summer, as it is a less pressure time.” 

Blog link, here!






FASD United Affiliate NCFASD Informed Launches New Website


 “NCFASD Informed in North Carolina, an affiliate of FASD United, is excited to announce that their new website is now live.  They also have launched a new Facebook page for parents of those with a diagnosed or suspected FASD. 

Check out their website!






Alcohol consumption and alcohol home delivery laws during the COVID-19 pandemic

Alcohol consumption in the U.S. is a public health problem that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Relatedly, many states have responded to COVID-19 by relaxing their alcohol laws, making it possible for adults to have alcohol delivered to their homes.

Read Abstract, Here!







Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

Proof Alliance NC is a:

Certain materials or features herein are the property of Proof Alliance® or its licensors and is protected by applicable trademark and copyright law.

Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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