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News & Events

AWHONN 2024 Annual National Convention

 The AWHONN Annual Convention helps to advance the nursing profession by providing nurses with critical information and support to help deliver the highest quality care for women and newborns.  The 2024 AWHONN Convention is currently taking place June 7-11 in Phoenix. Dr. Yasmin Senturias with Atrium Health if the Carolinas will be presenting as well as FASD United’s Jennifer Wisdahl is presenting as we proudly collaborate with and support the CDC’s National Partner Network. 

 Learn more, HERE!






Registration for Run FASD is Now Open!

 Run FASD is a virtual 5k event that can happen at your own pace, wherever you are. From September 6th - 16th, 2024, we want you to Run FASD to bring awareness to FASD and Give FASD a Seat at the Table.
Want to host a local race?  Please reach out to Emma Baldwin, Development Associate, for any questions or to get your event listed on our event website. 








Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Its Impact on Reward Processing and Substance Use in Adulthood


This study concludes that, “even moderate exposure to alcohol prenatally has long-lasting effects on brain function during reward processing and risk of cannabis use in young adulthood.”
- Translational Psychiatry


Learn More, HERE!








Kick-off the Summer with Magnificent Mocktails: No-jito!


Be sure to kick-off the summer with a Magnificent Mocktail: No-jito, featured  this week on ourstate.com.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause a range of lifelong physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). FASD cannot be cured, but it can be prevented by not drinking alcohol during your pregnancy.

Watch video, HERE!







Women's Health Month: % Ways to Flip the Script


 In response to this year’s Women’s Health Month in May, FASD United wants to flip the script on prenatal alcohol exposure. We often hear messages that suggest that PAE and FASD are the responsibility of women during pregnancy. In fact, men and partners have a crucial role to play as well. PAE and FASD are also the responsibility of doctors and systems of care. 

FASD is not solely a maternal-child health issue.  Fathers and male pregnancy partners play an important role when it comes to PAE.  Systems of care have a responsibility to be FASD-informed

Learn More, HERE!








FASD United is Preparing for Impact Week!

 The following is for information purposes only.


 The annual FASD United Impact Week is September 16-18, in Washington, D.C. highlighted by the Red Shoes Gala and Capitol Hill Day. Plan to join FASD self-advocates, family members, and professionals by reserving your hotel room and purchasing your gala tickets today.

Join FASD United this fall to pass the Respect Act and raise proceeds to support the Family Navigator, Affiliate Network, Policy Center and other vital initiatives serving our community. 

 Learn More!








Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Certain materials or features herein are the property of Proof Alliance® or its licensors and is protected by applicable trademark and copyright law.

Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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