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News & Events

Sharing A Child’s FASD Diagnosis with Them


 This blog article states, “How do you share difficult life changing news with a young child?  That’s a question I’ve been thinking a lot about since we received T’s FASD diagnosis in January… We’ve decided we will share his diagnosis this summer, as it is a less pressure time.” 

Blog link, here!






FASD United Affiliate NCFASD Informed Launches New Website


 “NCFASD Informed in North Carolina, an affiliate of FASD United, is excited to announce that their new website is now live.  They also have launched a new Facebook page for parents of those with a diagnosed or suspected FASD. 

Check out their website!






Alcohol consumption and alcohol home delivery laws during the COVID-19 pandemic

Alcohol consumption in the U.S. is a public health problem that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Relatedly, many states have responded to COVID-19 by relaxing their alcohol laws, making it possible for adults to have alcohol delivered to their homes.

Read Abstract, Here!







FASD Support Groups, Just a Few Clicks Away!

Thanks to FASD United Affiliates and The FASD Collaborative Project, FASD Support groups are just a few clicks away no matter where you live.

Learn more, here!







Prenatal Smoking and Drinking are Associated with Altered Newborn Autonomic Functions


 Prenatal smoking and drinking are associated with sudden infant death syndrome and neurodevelopmental disorders. Infants with these outcomes also have altered autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation. We examined the effects of prenatal smoking and drinking on newborn ANS function.

Read More!






Mom of 12 Opens Up About Adopting Kids with FASD


“Alicia Dougherty went viral on TikTok but there’s so much more to her family, or the “Dougherty Dozen” as they’re known on social media.  All six of the Doughertys' adopted children have FASD.”


Click view this amazing story, click HERE,






Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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