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News & Events

Happy Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month!

Each March, we have a special chance to celebrate and uplift people with disabilities across our community and highlight their diverse experiences. Visit our new stories webpage to see our new TV PSAs and a range of compelling stories about people with developmental disabilities.


This month is an important opportunity to spread awareness of our shared humanity, the many ways people with developmental disabilities enrich our communities, and the challenges we still face to realizing a truly inclusive society.

Help us raise awareness!

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as we share facts, stories, and ways to get involved throughout the month. Say hi in the comments on one of our posts! If you are a person with a disability, post something about yourself on your social media – share something that makes you unique, your dreams for the future, or what you wish people understood better about people with developmental disabilities. Don’t forget to tag us and use the hashtags #DDawareness2023 and #DDAM2023 in your post!

If you are a friend or family member of a person with a disability, share something about them that you love or makes you proud. And point people to our stories hub so they can lean more.

We all want a more inclusive and kind future. It starts by understanding each other better. This is our month to help people understand developmental disabilities!






FASD United's Family Navigator: Here to Help!

 FASD United Family Navigator, Here to Help on a colorful bubble background.


The FASD United Family Navigator program provides individuals living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), their family members, caregivers and supporters with expert, confidential support and referrals. Our Navigators serve members of the FASD community and anyone in need of one-on-one peer support, referrals to resources and services, information about prenatal alcohol exposure, or with a question about any facet of FASD. This service is free and does not require a referral.

Reach out HERE!







FASD United's Family Navigator: Here to Help! (2)

 FASD United Family Navigator, Here to Help on a colorful bubble background.


The FASD United Family Navigator program provides individuals living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), their family members, caregivers and supporters with expert, confidential support and referrals. Our Navigators serve members of the FASD community and anyone in need of one-on-one peer support, referrals to resources and services, information about prenatal alcohol exposure, or with a question about any facet of FASD. This service is free and does not require a referral.

Reach out HERE!







Self-compassion May Reduce the Consequences of Internalized Alcohol Stigma for Women With Alcohol Abuse Disorder

 “A new study published in Addictive Behaviors explores the connection between internalized alcohol stigma, depression, and self-compassion... the presence of self-compassion eased the consequences of internalized alcohol stigma.”

 Learn More!






Improved Accuracy of Screening Tools for FASD May Lead to Faster Diagnosis

 “A new screening instrument has the potential to more accurately identify FASD, reducing missed and erroneous diagnoses in affected children and facilitating treatment and support, a new study suggests.”

Learn More!







Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Associated With the Facial Shape of Children


“Researchers have used artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technology to find a link between alterations in the shape of children's faces and the amount of alcohol their mothers drank, both before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy.”

Read more!






Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Certain materials or features herein are the property of Proof Alliance® or its licensors and is protected by applicable trademark and copyright law.

Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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