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News & Events

Last Chance to Register: Practical Supports for Individuals with FASD Webinar

Register by Noon on Tuesday!

Thursday, September 17, 2020 1:00 PM – 4:45 PM
(MUST register in advance)

FASD is an alcohol-related harm. How do we address this?

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is undeniably the result of alcohol use during pregnancy, and an alcohol-related harm. In order to prevent FASD, we must help educate ourselves and our communities about the importance preventing alcohol-related harms through programs, services and policies.

Upcoming Podcast You Don’t Want to Miss!

NCFASD Informed have the following upcoming podcasts in recognition of FASD Awareness Month.

To learn more on how to access these podcast, click HERE!

* September 15 Delaney Kay, Adult diagnosed this spring
* September 22 Nate Sheets, Oregon Behavior Consultation, FASD Specialist
* September 29 Lisa Nesbitt, NC Disability Rights

Free FASD Trainings for Healthcare Providers!

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders crosses ALL systems of care. Help us prevent alcohol exposed pregnancies and support those impacted by FASD by learning more about this disorder.

To access FREE online training courses on preventing, diagnosing, and caring for people with FASD, click HERE!

Governor Cooper Signs FASD Awareness Month Proclamation!

In recognition of FASD Awareness Month, Governor Roy Cooper signed our state proclamation in hopes of raising awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, the need for supporting individuals impacted by FASDs and the importance of not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

FASD Awareness Month Proclamation 2020

Participate in FASDinNC’s Webinar Series in Recognition of FASD Awareness Month!

September 9th is celebrated annually as International FASD Awareness Day to promote education and awareness efforts on FASD. More recently, the month of September has been designated as FASD Awareness Month. FASD is preventable by abstaining from alcohol while pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Despite myths and misconceptions, there is no “safe” amount of alcohol, nor is there a safe time to consume alcohol during pregnancy. Help us prevent alcohol exposed pregnancies and FASD by participating in the following webinars.

Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, made possible by Grant Number B08TI087057 from the Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse from SAMSHA.


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