The National FASD Collaborative Project Launches Free, On-going Webinar Series

The National FASD Collaborative Project has launched an on-going webinars series, starting this month,  FASD Awareness Month!

FASD in a Nutshell

September 20, 2021

12:00-1:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Presenter: Susan Elsworth, Executive Director INOFAS and NOFAS Affiliate Network Coordinator

Webinar sponsored by Indiana NOFAS (INOFAS)

FASD in a Nutshell is an introduction to prenatal alcohol exposure that defines FASD, explains the disorders on the spectrum and symptoms associated with FASD, as well as shares systems of care that are impacted. Participants will be able to: 1) define FASD; 2) identify disorders on the spectrum; and 3) recognize symptoms.

Click HERE, to register!


Educational Care for Children Affected by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

September 23, 2021

7:00-8:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Presenter: Molly N. Millians, D.Ed.

Clinical Education Specialist, Emory University Neurodevelopmental Exposure Clinic

Webinar sponsored by Emory University

This webinar covers the effects from prenatal alcohol exposure on neurodevelopment as well as social and environmental factors that would impact learning and school functioning. The presentation examines the effects from prenatal exposure to alcohol as a risk factor and reviews ways to address the potential negative impact on learning. Discussion will include how to incorporate diagnostic and observational information to determine types of effective interventions to address learning challenges experienced by many children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. Lastly, the webinar will discuss effective, evidence-based interventions developed for children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure as well as for other disabilities to support school success.


Click HERE, to register!



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