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News & Events

Heavy Drinking Among Women Skyrockets During Pandemic


“Experts say the pandemic has been especially hard on women. A study found that while heavy drinking increased among American adults by 14% in 2020 compared to 2019, it increased by 41% among women.”

View More, HERE!








Doctors Concerned About Increased Alcohol Use During Pandemic, Especially Among Women

 “Psychiatrists are expressing concern about the increase in alcohol use during the pandemic, especially among women. 

"One [hypothesis] is women have bore the extra responsibility of child care during the COVID-19 pandemic and it has been stressful.”


Full story, HERE!










"Women and Alcohol" Issue of Research Journal

 The latest issue of Alcohol Research: Current Reviews is dedicated to the topic of women and alcohol and “invited experts to review the latest research on alcohol’s unique effects on women across the life cycle, including women of color, LGBTQ women, older women, and pregnant women.”

Read More, HERE!






New CDC Web Feature Highlighting Resources for Alcohol and Polysubstance Use in Pregnancy

 “In recognition of April being Alcohol Awareness Month, CDC has a new web feature highlighting CDC resources that can help providers address alcohol and polysubstance use in pregnancy.

Resources include free continuing education and five free online training courses for healthcare professionals

To learn more, click HERE!






April 15 Webinar - The Lay of the Land: A Published Health Survey of Adults Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. (2)


FASDInformed is partnering with Greensboro AHEC to sponsor  The Lay of the Land: A Published Health Survey of Adults Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.  This workshop is intended to bring concrete meaning to the phrase “whole body diagnosis” when applied to FASD.  The authors of the groundbreaking 2017 Health Study (published in 2020) will describe specifically how adults diagnosed with FASD have more health concerns than those in the general population.

Webinar information (CEUs available)

Date:  Thursday, April 15, 2021

Time:  Noon – 1:30 PM 

Participation fee:  $25 General registration; $10 Parents/guardians & those diagnosed with an FASD


Please click here for more information and to register Lay of the Land.









Attend an FASD Legal Issues Training

April 14, 2021. 1pm-3pm Central

Dr. Larry Burd is presenting on the topic of “Children and Adolescents” for an FASD Legal Issues Training. 

Dr. Burd is the director of the North Dakota FAS Center and a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the North Dakota University School of Medicine. His work extends to all facets of FASD including the legal implications for children and adolescents.

 Click HERE, to Join Training





Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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