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News & Events

Study: Exposure Risks During Pregnancy Increase Mental Health Problems


The study “found children subjected to two or more of six adverse exposures during pregnancy were more likely to have a higher score on the Child Behavior Checklist, which is used to detect behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents.”

Read more, HERE!





"The FASD Project" Short Film Now Available

The FASD Project short film is now available in wide release.  This film is created by a grassroots coalition of advocates, families, professionals, and most importantly individuals with FASD. 

This film aims to bring awareness about FASD and provide detailed scientific information on prevention, while aiming to start discussions about solutions to current problems facing the community.

Check it out, HERE!









How Bad Is Our Pandemic Drinking Problem?

“The trends are particularly concerning for women: Whereas the number of men who reported any drinking stayed mostly the same, the proportion of women who did so increased 10 percent, and the number of women who reported binge drinking increased by 23 percent.”

Read More, Here!






How the Drinking Habits of Fathers May Contribute to Birth Defects in Newborns


“New evidence suggests a link between paternal alcohol consumption before conception and the chances of fetal birth defects.  The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, found that paternal drinking is associated with an increased risk of sperm abnormalities, which could lead to birth defects."

Read more, HERE!








Proof Alliance Releases 20+ New Fact Sheets

NOFAS affiliate Proof Alliance has released 25 new fact sheets, covering a range of FASD prevention and support topics, from “What is FASD?” to information specific to fields such as health care, the justice system, and education.    

These resources – which are available at no cost – have been created by the Proof team in partnership with experts in the field, families and people with FASD, and other stakeholders.

To view fact sheets, click HERE!








Prenatal Substance Exposure Panel - Webinar on January 6th


 Jan. 6, 2022. 3 pm Eastern Time!

Please join Jenn Wisdahl of FASD United and Wonderland Child & Family Services’ Chief Program Officer Michelle Stiller Bradley and a panel of experts for an informative webinar about prenatal substance exposure.

Click HERE, to register!





Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Certain materials or features herein are the property of Proof Alliance® or its licensors and is protected by applicable trademark and copyright law.

Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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