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New Legislation Will Help Children and Adults Living with FASD, the



NOFAS applauds the bipartisan bills introduced on June 24, 2021 in the U.S. Senate and House to authorize comprehensive FASD support services, public health prevention, and research programs across agencies within the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Education, and Justice. 

The bill is The Advancing FASD Research, Services, and Prevention Act, (S.2238, H.R.4151), known as the FASD ReSPect Act.

Press Release from Senator Lisa Murkowski

Read the Full Text of the Bill

To learn more, click HERE.


#NCFASDInformed  #FASDRespectAct




Drinking While Pregnant: 5 Misconceptions and Why They're Wrong.


 “Dr Colleen O’Leary debunks five common misconceptions about drinking while pregnant, including:  "An occasional drink after the first trimester of pregnancy would probably be okay."

Learn More, HERE!







NOFAS Supports Advancing Legislation to Prevent and Treat Child Abuse and Neglect

The following is for Information Purposes ONLY.

NOFAS commends the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee approval of S.1927, Child Abuse and Treatment (CAPTA) Reauthorization Act of 2021. The bill strengthens federal programs and activities that support child and family well-being and includes provisions to care for infants affected by substance use disorder, and new requirements to aid infants with disabilities.

Find out more at www.nofaspolicycenter.org 



Contact Jenn Wisdahl, NOFAS Policy Coordinator at wisdahl [AT] nofas [DOT] org






Drinking Alcohol Is Linked To Reduced Chances Of Pregnancy


“A study of the associations between drinking alcohol and the chances of becoming pregnant suggests that women who want to conceive should avoid heavy drinking.  In the second half of menstrual cycle even moderate drinking is linked to reduced chances of pregnancy.”

Learn More, HERE!






19-year-old from North Carolina Bikes Cross Country, Raising Awareness for FASD



“One teen is going the distance, biking across the country, all to raise awareness for a disorder that hits close to home.  Emmaus Holder is riding across America to raise awareness for FASD… Along his trek, he's doing research, and talking to families who have also experienced FASD.”

View the story, HERE!








Women Now Drink As Much As Men — Not So Much For Pleasure, But To Cope (2)

 “Women in their teens and early 20s reported drinking and getting drunk at higher rates than their male peers — in some cases for the first time since researchers began measuring such behavior… Research shows women suffer health consequences of alcohol more quickly than men.”


 Listen to the story, HERE!


#NCFASDInformed  #FASDRespectAct




Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA # 93.959).


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