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News & Events

Dr. Yasmin Senturias to present at Upcoming FASD Conference

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear Dr. Yasmin Senturias at the FASD Pre-Conference on March 12th, 2020!

Dr. Senturias will be speaking about FASD Identification and Management. Register today!

Kombucha and Pregnancy: Answers to Your Brewing Questions

Have you ever wondered whether Kombucha is safe to consume while pregnant?

To find out the answer, check out the blog by Lorrie Harris-Sagaribay, MPH with MotherToBaby North Carolina by clicking HERE!

FASD: Moving from Awareness to Action Register Today!!

Let the countdown begin!

We are just one month away from The Arc of NC’s Rooted in Advocacy’s Pre-conference on March 12th.

Register today to secure your seat for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Moving from Awareness to Action!

As Demand Explodes, Canada’s New FASD Court Expands to Meet Need

“Manitoba, Canada’s court designed to help offenders with FASD is tripling the number of hearings for adults to deal with skyrocketing demand for the unique hearings they began offering less than a year ago. “The demand is very, very high,” said Judge Mary Kate Harvie.” – CBC News

RELATED STORY: Adults Can’t Get Diagnosed With FASD in Manitoba, Which Keeps Them Out of Special Court

Learn More, HERE.

FASD Conference in North Carolina, FASD: Moving from Awareness to Action

March 12th and 13th, 2020. Winston-Salem, North Carolina

“FASD Moving from Awareness to Action”, will be the pre-conference focus at The Arc of North Carolinas’ Rooted in Advocacy Conference March 12th & 13th, 2020 in Winston-Salem, NC. Attendees are welcome to attend just the pre-conference or both days, as there will be an FASD track during the main conference. Both days will have an amazing line up of state and national presenters and you can read more about them on the conference site.”

Register here.

Join NOFAS for a Twitter Chat for Birth Defects Prevention Month

Please join NOFAS and many other organizations for a Twitter Chat for Birth Defects Prevention Month!

Join us on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm E.T.

The chat is hosted by March of Dimes and will go over five things you can do to prevent birth defects.

Join the conversation using the hashtag #Best4YouBest4Baby.

Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, made possible by Grant Number B08TI087057 from the Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse from SAMSHA.


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