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News & Events

NOFAS Presenting at HHS Office of Disability Prevention for Children Virtual Conference

NOFAS V.P. Kathleen T. Mitchell is a featured keynote speaker at this conference.  “On Tuesdays in March beginning on the 9th, the 2021 HHS Office of Disability Prevention for Children Statewide Virtual Conference will host a series of free webinars to highlight key topics on preventing intellectual and developmental disabilities in children.”

Register, HERE!






New Vaccine Priority for People with I/DD!


People with Intellectual and other Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) are now explicitly included in prioritized populations for the COVID-19 vaccine in North Carolina, according to an announcement by Governor Roy Cooper.

 Any individuals with I/DD receiving 30 days or more of home and community based services (HCBS) can schedule a vaccine now. Other individuals with I/DD who do not yet qualify for the vaccine can start scheduling vaccine appointments on March 24, 2021.

 NCDHHS also shared clarifications for Groups 1 and 4. The definition of long-term care in Group 1 has been updated for people with intellectual and developmental disability. Higher-risk medical conditions for Group 4 include intellectual and developmental disabilities including Down Syndrome, and neurologic conditions, such as dementia, per the announcement. 

#findyourspot #takeyourshot








NOFAS Partners with March of Dimes for Important Twitter Chat


Save the Date: March 3, 2021 is World Birth Defects Day!

NOFAS is joining March of Dimes, CDC, and other organizations at 11 am ET for a bilingual discussion about global efforts to prevent birth defects.

Join us - use #WorldBDday to participate.






Top FASD Articles of 2020, Selected by Canada FASD Research Network


“The articles were selected by a group of Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) staff… The final list was narrowed down to focus on CanFASD’s areas of emphasis in FASD assessment and diagnosis, intervention, mental health, prevention, child welfare, justice, and family collaboration.”

Check out this resource, click HERE!








Support Concerns Increase When Children with FASD Turn 18


 “Thousands of children live with FASD at any given time and, by legal standards, suddenly become adults on their 18th birthday. The social expectation is that these young adults will leave their parents’ homes. In reality, a cohort of young people have lost access to publicly funded support from pediatricians and schools.”

Learn More, HERE!








Proof Alliance and Minnesota Liquor Stores Partner to Raise Awareness of FASD


“NOFAS Affiliate Proof Alliance is partnering with the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association on National Drink Wine Day. About 50 participating liquor stores will begin distributing wine and other spirits in specialty brown paper bags with powerful graphic messages.”

Read More, Here!







Lets Get Social!

Lauren Borchert, BS
NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program

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Contract with NC DHHS

Funding in whole or in part and/or supported by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, made possible by Grant Number B08TI087057 from the Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse from SAMSHA.


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